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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day One of Lent. . .

So, I am crazy.

I decided to give up wine and sweets for lent. The sweets part will probably be the hardest. I love sweets, it isn't until you can't have something, do you realize how much you love it!
For example - I ate lunch today and really wanted a cookie. Couldn't have it.
For my afternoon snack, my boss has some mini chocolates at her desk. Couldn't have one.
I got home and there are these really yummy looking cupcakes left over from Megan's shower. Couldn't have one.
UGH! Now I am realizing how often I ate sweets. Maybe I will lose a few pounds. That sure would be nice!

Adam stayed home sick today. I think it was a combination of being over worked and also a small cold. He felt well enough to go to Home Depot though and buy some paint for the green room bathroom. He must not have felt that good because he still forgot the lightbulbs I have been asking him to buy for a month now.
I won't complain, he is in there painting the bathroom with that really cool textured paint. Better him than me.


Anonymous said...

hope Adam is ok.
wow wine and sweets. guess you can have a liquor drink but sweets is no way around it! 38 days left

Unknown said...

wow! you are brave. clay and I are giving up red meat. I thought that was hard!

mbloar said...

You and Erin! You go, girls! I am giving up sleep and taking walks (more due to new puppy than Lent!)