Brooke had her first round of vaccines at her two month checkup. She screamed. I cried. No surprise there!! She had a great checkup. She is on the petite side:
Weight: 9 pounds 9 ounces - 10th percentile
Height: 21 3/4 inches - 20th percentile
She is sleeping in her crib at night now, waking up about twice a night to eat. Mommy and Daddy are getting a lot more sleep lately! We are working on naps. She still isn't much of a napper unless we are driving in the car.
Brooke is smiling and grinning from ear to ear since about 5-6 weeks. Mornings are the best time to "catch" her smiles because she is so happy, but the older she gets the more she is sharing them throughout the day! It makes our jobs as parents so much more rewarding!
I have to say she is pretty perfect to her parents!