Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 2, 2009

I don't get paid for this. . .

Let's just say, I am no professional.  My first outing with my new golf clubs!  Adam and I had fun, we went to the Palm Valley course yesterday and it was super cold and windy.  Now, I say super cold and I need to remember that family outside of FL reads this too.  It was probably 60, so really not that bad.  

Practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy last year of my 20's. . .

Thank you for a very yummy birthday cake Dad!

The Werner 2008 Christmas Day Story

Time to open some presents!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!  I just love my new bed, it is soooo comfortable!  My brother, Homer, even loves it, too!
And we thought our only girl couldn't possibly be spoiled any more. . .
I guess we are being prepared for our future (non-animal) children spoiling.

Off to Pa and Grandmommy's house we go. . .
And who are THESE NERDS?!?!? Are these really the parents of my soon-to-be Niece?  I'm sure she will be perfect in spite of her parents.  
Play time!
Caleb and Aunt Charlotte hanging out on Christmas Day.  Yes, I know, he is irresistable.

And to all a good night!