In celebration of counting down to football season, because yes, I am just as excited as Adam is, I have my garnet and gold and orange and blue ready to go!
I made a FSU dress for my friend Sami's little girl and I made myself a dress that I call, "I heart Tim Tebow". It isn't necessarily Gator, but could also be Bronco colors. Heehee. . . (and Adam loves it!)
I am working on an FSU outfit that will be worn a lot more often, however!
On to other happenings: Adam had his annual British Open party to attend yesterday morning. He was the first one there at the bright and early time of 6:05am!!! Needless to say, I was still sleeping.
Today is "Charlotte Day" (since Adam has had lots of Adam days lately) and we are going to church and then probably to the outlets. This part, of course Adam doesn't know about yet, lol. Then, I think I will have him help me rearrange my sewing room. (doesn't know about this yet either) So it should be a fun day! :-P