Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 18, 2012

39-40 Weeks

Think this will be my last post???  We sure hope so!  
We had our 39 weeks and 5 day check up yesterday and Brooke seems to be preparing herself.  I am 60-70% efface and a 1/2 centimeter dilated.  Our next appointment is a week from today and if we make it that far then we will have an ultrasound, non-stress test and a doctors appointment (all standard procedure post-term).  At that time, they will also schedule an induction date early the following week (probably).
The good news is the past two evenings, I have had regular braxton hicks contractions that have felt stronger than they have before and last night was stronger than the night before.  HOWEVER, they go away when I lay down.  BOOOOOO.  Hoping this is a slow lead up to the real thing!  If it is any indication how labor will start, looks like it will be in the middle of the night!
Adam is trying to get any last minute work done and I am trying to keep the house fairly straight so when it is time, we are ready!  Everything is packed and sitting in Brooke's room, just waiting for the green light.

Mood: I am anxious and starting to be impatient.  After last nights "contractions" it made me a little nervous knowing this is going to happen anytime, whether we are ready or not!  I am trying to keep myself busy.

Energy: Probably the same as last week.  I have been trying to stay very busy, but some days I need more sleep than others.  I am up almost every hour at night and some nights can't get back to sleep, so after a few of those in a row, I usually take a nap during the day.

Cravings: I'm just not in the mood to watch what I eat anymore.  Just give me the sweets!!!!  HAHA!  (I get full much faster though!) 

Nausea: Last night when I was having the strong braxton hicks, I felt nauseous.  Not sure if it was just last night or if this will happen regularly. 

Total Weight Gain: 31 pounds 

BEW update (per Babycenter):
39 Weeks:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

40 Weeks:
It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.